There are four of you – yourself, your wife and two great friends…a couple you have been close with now for 57 years. The four of you go way back. You’ve always enjoyed each other’s company and all you’ve always dreamed about owning an RV.

Neither one of you had the money or vacation time to justify such an investment in the past but now that you are all approaching retirement it’s a different story.

And the more you’d been chatting, the more the idea materialized in your minds: Why not buy an RV together?

If you are thinking about purchasing an RV or Travel Trailer together with a group of friends, you are not alone. We count several RV owners among our clients who have decided to ‘team up’ to fulfill this dream for themselves while sharing the financial responsibilities.

There are RV insurance programs that specialize in protection plans for a number of co-owners. Call the experts Please Configure Replacements at (312) 353-1966 today and we will help you to customize a plan that works for all of you, while giving you the protection you need.